James Lange, Renowned CPA/Attorney, to Host Webinar “Retire Secure for Professors and TIAA Participants” Jan. 30, 2024

James Lange

Participants in the free webinar will gain valuable insights into retirement and estate planning strategies that will benefit them and their loved ones.

LOS ANGELES, UNITED STATES, January 25, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — James Lange, a distinguished CPA/Attorney and author, invites professors, university faculty, and TIAA retirement plan holders to free virtual workshops on January 30, 2024, from 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Eastern. The webinar series titled “Retire Secure for Professors and TIAA Participants: Getting the Most from your TIAA, IRAs, and Other Retirement Plans” is designed to empower participants with expert strategies, enabling them to get the most out of their retirement benefits and efficiently plan their estates.

“Learn how to maximize your retirement assets, effectively shield your heirs from the 2020 SECURE Act’s massive tax acceleration on Inherited IRAs and retirement plans, and master my Cascading Beneficiary Plan for the best flexible and strategic estate planning,” informs Lange.

This informative webinar is aimed at professors and other university faculty and staff at schools nationwide, especially older professors who are near retirement or already retired. Americans of any profession who have accrued significant funds in retirement plans administered by TIAA are also invited, explains Lange.

Lange says the comprehensive day-long series features three insightful workshops.

– The first session, titled “Roth IRA, Roth 403(b), and Roth 401(a) Contributions and Conversions for Professors,” delves into the intricacies of maximizing benefits from these specific retirement accounts. The concepts, the peer-reviewed math, and little-known advanced techniques are covered. “For example, did you know that if set up properly, your heirs can convert your inherited 403(b) or certain other retirement plans to an inherited Roth account after you are gone?” Lange explains. “The benefit is converting at your heir’s tax rate, not yours.”

– The second workshop, “Optimal Distribution and Estate Planning for Your TIAA and Other Retirement Accounts,” provides valuable guidance on distributing assets and implementing effective estate planning strategies. “We believe it is the best estate plan for most married couples. We also cover advanced techniques like “Who Gets What,” which leaves more money for your heirs and less money for Uncle Sam,” says Lange.

– The series concludes with a dynamic live Q&A session hosted by James Lange and his expert CPAs. Attendees can have their questions addressed on topics such as Roth IRAs, tax minimization, and estate planning.

Participants will leave the event with crucial takeaways that include:

1. Discovering effective ways to maximize the benefits of TIAA, IRAs, and other retirement assets for themselves and their families.

2. They will be guided in optimizing their estate plans by implementing Lange’s Cascading Beneficiary Plan. This flexible strategy adjusts for unforeseen circumstances and increases heirs’ flexibility after passing.

3. Attendees will gain insights into the profound impact of the 2020 SECURE Act and the Secure Act 2.0 on their IRAs, 403(b)s, and other retirement plans while they are alive and following death and what action steps they can take to cut their taxes.

Receive six valuable bonus gifts, including digital editions of several of James’ acclaimed books and a hard copy of “Retire Secure for Professors and TIAA Participants, ” which enjoys 71 of 73 glowing 5-star reviews on Amazon. Additionally, eligible participants can schedule a complimentary, private consultation with James after the event. Register now!

James Lange, acclaimed author of strategic planning books such as “Retire Secure for Professors & TIAA Participants,” holds a reputable position in financial planning. His strategies have been featured 36 times in The Wall Street Journal. Renowned for groundbreaking insights, Lange introduces innovative strategies, including developing Lange’s Cascading Beneficiary Plan, offering unparalleled flexibility for married IRA and retirement plan owners.

Endorsed by esteemed experts, including Charles Schwab, Burton Malkiel, Larry King, and Jane Bryant Quinn, Lange’s books, such as “Retire Secure!” and “The Roth Revolution,” have gained widespread recognition in the financial community.

To register for the free “Retire Secure for Professors and TIAA Participants: Getting the Most from your TIAA, IRAs, and Other Retirement Plans,” click here: https://faculty-advisor.com/2024webinars/

To learn more about James Lange and his outstanding work, click here: https://faculty-advisor.com/

Amanda Kent
Boundless Media USA
+1 313-403-5636
email us here

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/683792845/james-lange-renowned-cpa-attorney-to-host-webinar-retire-secure-for-professors-and-tiaa-participants-jan-30-2024